I'm an artist, not a writer

Photography by: @karolina_brazz

I want to start with a disclaimer. Writing is not my strongest suit. English is also not my first language, so please DO expect gramatical and spelling mistakes. That being said, I still want to share my life as an artist with you.

Ever since I started working as a professional artist aka started getting paid for it, alongside the unbelief that I actually get to do this for a job also came the imposter sydrome, periods of low motivation, wanting to quit once or twice a year and all the other “fun” emotions that come along once you put yourself and your art out there. And nothing helped me more like finding other artists and hearing them share their ups and downs, struggles and wins. It helped me realise I’m not the only one experiencing this rollercoaster of emotions when it comes to my art. So I figured if I could help just one person, one artist feel like they are not alone in this, like they are understood why not get over my fear of writing and just share my creative journey too.

So this blog will be just that, me sharing my work as well as the ups and downs of the creative life. Well at least I think that’s what this is going to be, it might morth into something new, something much more exciting or more boring. Who knows? But it’s the journey not the destination that counts, right?

With love,